Working at heights can be a dangerous job. Did you know that between 2015 and 2019, 122 fatalities were caused by falling from heights? “Safe Work Australia”, an Australian government statutory body, states that the “most effective way to protect workers from the risk of falling is to eliminate the need to work at heights“. As great as this sounds, we know it’s impossible to eliminate the need to work at heights. Gutter cleaners, construction workers, arborists, window cleaners, to name a few of the professions that can only work at heights!
So if we can’t remove the need to work at heights, what can we do? According to the WHS, various things can be done, but the use of fall prevention devices must be used! There are many different types, in all shapes and sizes and for all types of roofs. Maybe one of the most common is the “Roof Anchor Point.”
What Is A Roof Anchor Point?
Exactly what it sounds like—a point, or various points on a roof, to anchor yourself to with the correct PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) harness, lanyard or lifeline.
Roof anchor points can be as simple as a D-ring up to more complex versions with energy-absorbing features. There are both permanent and temporary anchor points available.
What Are The Main Types Of Roof Anchor Points?
The three main types of roof anchor points are roof access, fall restraint and fall arrest.

Rope Access Systems
They are specially designed to be placed where conventional methods won’t work, but fall protection is needed. Rope Access Systems allow users to move about freely while they are suspended by a harness or work seat. Allowing the user to be able to reach areas that usually would be impossible to reach.
Fall Restraint
They are designed to prevent the user from getting close enough to a fall hazard to be in any danger. Along with the Roof Anchor Point, a fixed-length lanyard is used, so the user is always in a safe working area. The disadvantage is that it limits the freedom of movement considerably.

Fall Arrest Systems
Similar to the Fall Restraint System, but giving the user much more freedom of movement. Of course, then the user can be in a fall hazard area. The Roof Anchor Point is designed to withstand the shock of a fall, so in the worst-case scenario that the user falls from the roof, they can’t go far!
What Brand Has The Best Roof Anchor Points?
There are many brands out there, so how do you know which ones to install? There are many points to consider. Quality, certificates, guarantees, safety features and of course that they are not an eyesore!
SafetyLink, 100% Australian design and manufacturing, with more than 23 years of experience! Of course, you can have the very best Roof Anchor Point, but if it’s not installed correctly, you might as well not have any! Call Sydney Anchor Points on 02 8020 5777 today for expert advice on how to install and where to install.
How Do I Choose The Right Roof Anchor Point?
The type of Roof Anchor Point all depends on the type of roof where it must be installed! There are specific roof points for tiled, metal, flat and concrete roofs. It also depends on if they are permanent roof anchor points or temporary.
Every roof is different. So each roof must be inspected by a professional to evaluate the load-bearing capacity. Do you need Multi-Directional fall protection? What kN rating is needed? Are they WHS compliant? As you can see, there are many points to consider before choosing the right Roof Anchor Point for you!
Why Choose Sydney Anchor Points?
Sydney Anchor Points have been installing, certificating and maintaining roof anchor points, ladder brackets, and access hatches for more than 22 years! We service over 6000 residential properties, well over 5900 strata-titled properties, commercial premises, retirement villages and retail outlets. Training and practice have given us a wealth of experience!
We guarantee the highest standard of workmanship! We are members of Trades Monitor and Housing Industry Australia. We pride ourselves on attention to detail and above industry-standard safety protocols! Don’t waste your time with cowboys! Call the experts!
We are members of the Housing Industry Australia; we can provide home Warranty Insurance upon request. Workers Compensation Insurance and Public Liability Insurance up to $10 Million in case the worse ever happens! Although, as all our workers follow SafeWork NSW standards, most likely, we’ll never need it!
Our anchor points are specially designed to provide 360-degree access. We install 15kN or 22kN rated anchor points for locations where two-person anchor points are needed—reducing the need for anchor points. We offer a free no-obligation quote, no hidden fees; what you see is what you get!
Visit our website today for more info: www.sydneyanchorpoints.com.au or if you prefer, call us on 02 8020 5777